Tag Archives: letter

14 Day Challenge Day 10 Write a Letter to your future self

14 day writing Challenge; Day 10 write a letter to my future self. . .

Dear Rebekah (In the Future)

First of all, I am sending you hope. (I know what it is like to lose it.)
I hope you are always fed.
I hope you also have cuddly cats that purr in your ear.
I hope you always have the bills paid.
I hope you stay close to your family.
I hope you enjoy the little things in life. (Enjoy food and smell the roses.)
I hope you always laugh. (You and I know you can start to deal once you let yourself laugh.)
Most of all I hope you are happy; always be happy. Only you can control what makes you happy. (You can NOT control anyone else or make them happy.)

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Secondly, family is important.

Even if you argue, not feel good enough, or just want something different, your family will still love you. (Just remember shoes. . . you and I will both know what that means.)
Set aside your pride, if you need something, your family will be there.
If you can help someone, then help. . . remember what your parents taught you.
Remember sometimes just a text will make someone’s day.

Thirdly, if you have kid(s). . .

Let them learn and be who they need to be. (Please do not have plans for them, let them figure out who they are. Chances are they are going to be stubborn if you push.)
The word “No,” it okay to say. Your job is to keep them safe and healthy until they are old enough to do it themselves. . . then you are too invested.
A parent is an unseen hero: they do what they have to do regardless. Your kids will not appreciate this until they have kids.
However if you do not have kids, then find out what it is that fate wants you to do. Let fate decide, they are bigger than you.

Fourthly, you are meant for big things!

You are smart.
You are a good person.
You are generous.
You are helpful.
You can learn new things.
You are determined.
You will get things done.

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You know you can.



Your Old Self

PS My stepmom (the one with my name), that has really help me to get out and get a better outlook. Greatly appreciated.

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14 Day Writing Challenge Day 5 Letter Writing


14 Day Writing Day Challenge Day 5

Note: I am writing a letter to one of my main characters in my vampire series. . . He would not tell me and my muses his story in November and I had to change my NaNoWriMo project. This also started my writer’ block that I am just now breaking.

Dear Zachariah AKA Daris;

Hey, dude, what is going on? Why don’t you want to tell your story? I have outlined the main points, and there is a lot of conflict. There is love and betrayal. However I need to hear your voice, I need to know how to truly express the story. . . what words to use. . . what order to use them etc.

My muses and I go to you for the stories, for juicy parts, and you won’t spill. What gives?

I need your story to push through the series, you are Melzela’s first creation. She teaches and is with you first. . . there is a purity, an innocence, and an originally that I need from you. No one else but you can give me this. . . please give me or my muses a story or two (or ten).

I really don’t want to go to plan B. Please do not let us have to write Plan B: it gets even more complicated.


Rebekah Wolveire and her muses

PS Please your books to the library, you have racked up some serious late fines.


Dear Ms. Rebekah Wolveire;

I am shy, and my story is not worth writing.



Past and Future

Written in June 2008


Dear Rebekah,


What happened to you?

What happened to your creative liking to make dirt pies?

What happened to the moments were you rather eat sweets than your veggies? Come on everyone loves cake, not everyone likes peas. . . I know you don’t.

You were a perk, bouncy, fun-loving girl who could be so happy and positive that you could annoy yourself sometimes. You were so hyper and full of energy.

Have you slowed down?

What happened with you dreams?

Didn’t you want to be a Pop-star? Or what about a Movie star?

Where are your imaginary friends?

I remember you said to them that you were going to start a band together. You guys were going to rock all over the world, not just in your back yard. You were even going to dance in public if they danced with you.

When did you start to like the darkness?

I remember when you would hide from the monster under you bed. I also know you fear clowns, and would watch horror movies with your thumb in your mouth and a blanket over your head.

Why do you use the name Rebekah? Your name is Becky.

What happened to you?


The kid in you. . .




Hey Kid,

What’s up? How are the cartoons?

Yes, the name my mother wrote on my birth certificate is Becky, but I like Rebekah. It makes me feel intelligent and whole, professional.

I grew up is what happened to me. I am not a fan of dirt or bugs, I perfer to be inside. However I still like to dance behind closed doors.

I’ve discovered that there are so many other foods out there with such good flavor. This includes veggables: I only like peas or spinach if they are fresh. I still love sweets, but I can’t eat that much of them; I still get stomaches.

I guess I have slowed down, and I found another love, next to music of course: it is writing.

I am still perky, bouncy, friendly, positive woman with hopes and dreams.

I just found other things in life: love, heartache, hope, and fears. I even realize I can face some of my fears. I feel in love with the darkness through horror movies and stories. The darkness allows me to appreciate the light. I also think the darkness is more complicated than the light as well. You meet interesting creatures and being in the darkness like vampires and ghosts, and with every experience is a story waiting to be retold. I like to create stories from the darkness.

As for my imaginary friends, they all moved on: some of them I heard were in rehab as you know they got into the imaginary drugs and alcohol. Others are still dancing in my head.

I wouldn’t mind recording and prefroming my own music someday, but that’s another story.
Nothing happened to me, I just grew up.

How have you been my kid at heart?


