Tag Archives: kidney

Kind of personal: doctor issues

Okay. . . I know with all of the symptoms that I have now. . . I should be seeing a doctor.

(No auntie flo in 18 weeks, depression, exhaustion, headaches, anxiety, ab pressure and soreness, breast soreness, dizziness, and I have to pee a lot. It could be another damn bladder infection (UTI). I do hope it’s pregnancy.)

The last time I had similar issues was last June (2014). I went into the ER. I took a urine test. Then the doctor sent in the intern instead of himself. His first react is “You must be relieved that you aren’t pregnant.” I was so shocked that I was speechless, (if you know me, I am an emotional talker.)

I ask for blood work, he said no. (The think I know that have UTI at least once a year, and kidney issues, but he never even looked into that.) He just wanted me out of there. In fact, I over heard the nurses talking all of the interns were graduating that day.

I ask for blood work again (and I hate needles), and he yelled at me.

Then when he did the exam, he asked me all of the symptoms that the lady next me had and ask her all of my symptoms. We both we confused. Then he had the insensibility to tell me I had STD, and send out tests for that which came out negative. (I have had the same partner for 8 years, and we have both been checked for different things. I know we were cleaned. Did he think I was partying type? )

The problem was that the hospital plastered his face all over their website. I wrote a very nasty letter when they sent a survey.

The actual doctor saw me no more than two minutes and did not let me get a word in edge wise. The doctor said I has an UTI. I knew that but no one figured out why I did not have my female issues for four months (16weeks).

I broke down talking it out with the pharmacist.

They send me to a local clinic in which it took me a week to get an appointment for blood work, and the the doctor there just seem indifferent like she rather be any where else. She looked at me weird when I cried once I saw a picture of a baby (it was hormones, even she should know that). Then it took two weeks to get results to a test that should have been done in hours.
I refuse to go back to the local clinic, because before then that appointment (three years ago, ) I had a nurse there that said gas-trial reflex can cause pregnancy symptoms, and a doctor that told me with my stress level the chance of my keeping a pregnancy is almost impossible.

Why do I keep finding the worst doctors?

Will I ever find a decent doctor? I need to find a decent family doctor so I find a therapist. (Stupid insurance).