Who I am. . . the harsh truth.

The Harsh Truth

Getting through: For all those guys out there . . .

I am a bi-curious, white, hot blooded female. I enjoy the romantic company of men. I get along better with men. I can laugh with men. I can hang out with men. I try to hang out with women, but many of them have been very manipulative, dramatic, ( or controlling of their boyfriend/husbands.)  (Please note: I am not saying that all women are like this, because I know some of my online friends who are amazing. It’s just a few women that I know have been jealous and cranky. . . it turns me off.)

I’ve had my share if experiences: good and bad, and I have learned many things.

I am NOT worthless! (I am talented.)
I am NOT useless! (I am compatible of anything I want to.)
I am NOT weak! (I am a challenge.)
I am NOT a slave! (I am a leader.)
I am NOT a slut or whore! (I only enjoy sex with the one I love.)
I am NOT a bitch! (I am opinionated.) (Actually, I am bitch if you push me that way.)

I am a creatively boisterous person who enjoys helping others.
I am happy and honored when I can help others accomplish their dreams.
I am the type of person who always puts others in front of myself.
I am honest, and I have been known to be blunt.
I am straight forward, and I don’t like mixed messages or head games.

I will NOT be threaten!
I will NOT be anyone’s servant or slave!
I will NOT put up with anyone’s shit!
I will NOT be used.
I will NOT be abused.
I will NOT change myself for someone else.
I will NOT be second rate.

I can be a really loyal friend or your worst enemy.

I am a sweet person who deserves respect.
I am fair, or at least I try to be as fair as I can be.
I am friendly, and I can be flirt.
I am a nice person who wants everyone else wants. . . to be loved.

For once in my life, I am happy with who I am.
If you don’t like me, then I’m sorry about your lost!

1 thought on “Who I am. . . the harsh truth.

  1. Pingback: Night of Living Links. . . | Becky's Personal Blog

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